dimanche 13 février 2011

How To Win Back Your Ex

By Dave Dotson

If you want to get back your ex boyfriend, it can either be simple or hard. If you've done things like leave several messages on his cell phone, abused him on Facebook, and would do anything to win him back, you're not alone. Most people actually act the same way after they've been dumped.

The problem is, by acting like this you are not only becoming less and less attractive to him - you are ruining any possible chance of meeting another great guy in the mean time. The truth of the matter is this; if you don't change you man will be running into the arms of another woman - fast.

There's hope though. You should make sure that you do certain things, and avoid doing certain things, in order to get your ex lover back as quick as you possibly can, and redefine the relationship on your own terms.

The first thing you must do is abandon any needy, clingy, and otherwise gross behavior. Imagine you were him. How would you react to someone acting like you may have? There's a better way to go about the situation...

What you need to do is match his level of status. While this sounds downright odd, it is the truth to attracting and keeping any man for the long term. But you may be thinking....

"Guys only want girls that look good!" Yes, there is some truth to that. Guys will hook up with women that are nothing more than attractive, BUT they will avoid long term relationships with them like the plague.

Here's exactly what you should do...

You need to embrace your inner femininity, sexuality, and raw power. Again, this sounds odd - I'm sure of it. But it will help you more than anything else. What you don't know about men is that their knees go weak when they encounter a women with high status, power, and confidence.

Each interaction you have with men or your ex should come through this perspective and set of actions. Remember to embrace your naturally confident self.

The essential leverage point is to balance the feminine side of yourself with your raw, natural confidence. Doing more of one than the other can project an image that you don't want (too masculine or too ditzy).

If you do these things with every relationship and interaction you have with men you won't believe your eyes!

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